Nature Reserve · Community Organization · Trust
Registered Charity Number: 1188441

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Small Mammal Survey
Saturday 26 October
08:00 - 09:00
Ever wondered what small mammals live in the nature reserve ?
Want to get up close with a field vole, wood mouse or shrew ?
Then come along on our small mammal hunt on Saturday 26th October and see if we have been successful with our overnight nest box traps. Please do not bring dogs on this event
This event is free, however we hope you will consider making a donation to Hayle Park Nature Reserve.
Meet at the tractor barn by the main entrance to the reserve at 8:00am. This is opposite number 10 Fieldfare Drive ME15 6XL. If you would like more information, please email
Work Party

Our regular volunteer work parties are a great way to connect with nature, get active and improve wellbeing!
Volunteers meet at the barn at 10:00 (opposite number 10 Fieldfare Drive, ME15 6XL) on Friday. The day usually finishes at 15:00, but you are welcome to come along for an hour or for as long as you can.
Tea, coffee and snacks provided, bring your own lunch
Toilet and kitchen area on site
Tasks for all ability levels
Training and equipment are provided